Monday, February 12, 2018

Spinach, Artichoke, Cheese, and Pork Ravioli

If you guys could not tell already, I am a HUGE fan of meal prep.

This meal does require a tiny bit of effort but is delicious! This meal can be made in advance and then  stored in the freezer until you are ready to eat them.

1 Package of Wonton Wrappers
1 Package of Spinach
1 Can of Artichokes
1 Small Container of Ricotta Cheese
1 1/2 Cup of Mozzarella Cheese
1 Can of Tomato Sauce
1/2 lb of Ground Pork
1 Teaspoon of Garlic Powder
1 Teaspoon of Onion Powder
1 Teaspoon of Paprika

Cooking Instructions:
1. Start by placing the spinach and artichokes into the food processor.

2. Once the spinach and the artichokes have been finely chopped - add the mozzarella and the ricotta cheese (add as much or as little cheese as you would like).

3. Once the spinach, artichoke, and cheese mixture is complete - cook the ground pork to the pan. While the pork is cooking, add the onion powder, paprika, and garlic powder.

4. Once the meat is done cooking. It is time to start assembling the ravioli! You will need the wonton wrappers and a small bowl of water.

5. Take one wonton and place some of the spinach, artichoke, and cheese mixture in the middle of the wonton. Then add some pork on top.

6. Once the mixture is on the wonton, use your finger to put water around the edges of the wonton.

7. Then fold the wonton in half and make sure all of the edges are sealed.

8. REPEAT until all of the ravioli has been made.

9. In regards to meal prep, I separate the ravioli into portions. I put about 8 ravioli each in a plastic bag.

10. Store the ravioli in the freezer.

11. Once you are ready to eat the ravioli, start to boil the water in a pot and remove the ravioli from the freezer.

12. After the water has come to a boil, add a tiny bit of olive oil and salt into the water. This will help prevent the ravioli from sticking to each other.

13. Place the ravioli into the hot water. They should only need to cook for 3-4 minutes.

14. While the ravioli is cooking, start heating up the tomato sauce.

15. Once the ravioli is cooked, use a colander to drain the water.

16. Then combine the ravioli and tomato sauce together and top with mozzarella cheese and VOILA RAVIOLI!!!!

COME ON! How good does that look?!


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